Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Commercials that Make Me Scream

There are two commercials that make me want to never buy their products. Actually I will never buy their products, one because I don't have a penis and the other because I don't particularly like the Love's Embrace Collection.

1. Cialis - I have NEVER been doing the dishes, the raking, or the painting and all of sudden bumped into Robby and wanted to do "it." Nor have I ever wanted to soak side by side in an old school bathtub next to Robby in the great outdoors. What does that accomplish? And more importantly why would you waste your "prescription strength getting it on medication" snuggling next to the camp fire and laying in your own tub? I want to scream at these old folks on the TV - that's not what the drug is for! Its not to help you snuggle! But, it does have one redeeming quality: the one where they are raking leaves and they "pitch the tent." Don't think we don't get the symbolism Glaxo-Smith.

2. Kay's Jewelry - There is one in particular Kay's commercial that I hate. The one where the couple is at their cabin and they've "never seen a storm quite like this" and the stupid broad jumps and turns in terror at the fake rain and thunder. I mean its not like they are going through Katrina - its a little fake thunderstorm for crying out loud. And then Extremely Creepy Guy just happens to have that necklace in his hand and says "I'll never let go." Wow this isn't the Titanic and you sure aren't Leo so it just comes across as being weird and a little stalkerish, but maybe its just me.

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