I decided to start a blog now that I'm "expecting" not so much because anyone cares but because all these folks keep saying oooh keep a pregnancy diary so that you can remember all the details because it will fly by blah blah. As of right now, there isn't much to remember but who I am to go against what all these folks are telling me. I can't even decide if I can eat deli meat so apparently I am no expert on these things. Also, while I doubt many people care I know there are some who might want to join in the progress with me since Rob and I are way up here in God's Country.
So, here goes it - I am eight weeks pregnant as of today. Or at least thats what we think. I thought I was nine weeks pregnant last week but the sonogram lady dashed that and said Peanut was measuring seven weeks. Which really blows because I am effectively reliving the last two weeks. I mean I had already looked at those two weeks on the baby calendar. I want to move past eyelid formation for cying outloud.
By the way, we are refering to the kid as Peanut because I find it offensive to call it "It" or "Embryo" or "Pat" as Robby suggested.
Thus far in this "magical" journey I have made several new best friends and quite a few new worst enemies. First, the friends: the couch, the bed, any other surface that is ripe for taking a nap, and crackers. I don't even care what kind of crackers. I have to eat a cracker every morning before even opening my eyes or the entire morning is spent dry heaving or worse. I now have more cracker crumbs in my bed than dog hair - which is disgusting but what can you do?
My new enemies: my toothbrush - it is a daily battle to get my teeth brushed. The mere idea of sticking that thing into my mouth makes me gag a little. I hope this passes for my dentist's (and husband's) sake. Garbage - we all know garbage stinks but there is now a daily battle over the horrible odors coming from all garbage cans. Urination - TMI I know, but really, could I pee any more times in a single day than I do now. And I hear it gets worse. I had to stop at the gas station on the way home from running an errand the other day. And it only takes ten minutes to get anywhere and home where we live. Pitiful.
But it isn't all bad. I have finally found an excuse for everything in life. I don't want to do laundry, work out, cook dinner, or even wake up - don't think I will, I mean I am pregnant and all. I really want chicken fried rice for lunch and a hamburger for dinner - why not? The doctor said this was no time to start a diet. I told a lady I know the other day in not so many words that I thought she was fairly close to a certifiable lunatic - alas, my emotions are all over the place and I can't help it.
And now, I must find the nearest ladies room. And we all know why.